This release fixes an issue introduced with an upgrade in Rcpp (1.0.13), as described here:
Minor other fixes include:
definitionThis release addresses the Feb. 16 email from Professor Ripley regarding the use of Boost headers that are not compliant with recent C++ versions.
The BH package provides Boost C++ library headers. The BH library is not used in any of the code in /R or /src, but only in the C++ templates that comes with the package (in /inst/cpp). The C++ templates are used when creating a model using the new_ode_model() function, which is then compiled on-the-fly. If the BH package is removed from the Depends field, it won't be installed and hence models cannot be compiled and run. BH cannot be moved to the LinkingTo field.
This is the first version of PKPDsim that is released to CRAN. PKPDsim has been in development since 2014, but previous versions were only made available at Github (InsightRX/PKPDsim).